In case you have a website hosting package and you create an email address, you may consider the option to send out and receive emails for granted, however, this is not always true. Sending emails is not always included in the website hosting packages that service providers feature and an SMTP service is needed to be capable to do that. The abbreviation means Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and this is the software application that enables you to send out e-mails. If you are using an e-mail program, it creates a connection to the SMTP server. The latter then searches the DNS data of the domain, which is a part of the receiving address to find out what email server manages its email messages. After some system information is interchanged, your SMTP server provides the message to the remote IMAP or POP server and then the email is finally delivered in the corresponding mailbox. An SMTP server is needed if you use some kind of contact page as well, so in case you use a free hosting package, for example, it is very likely that you will not have the ability to use this type of form as most free website hosting providers don't allow outgoing e-mails.

SMTP Server in Website Hosting

When you have a website hosting plan with our company, it is possible to send email messages through our SMTP server using virtually any e-mail software and any device. The service is accessible with our plans automatically, and not on demand or maybe as an optional paid add-on. You'll be able to send emails from anywhere you want to using our webmail as well as an email software of your choosing. The SMTP server also allows you to implement contact forms in your websites by simply adding the server name and your email in the form code, so you will not need to do anything whatsoever more technical than that to get a PHP mail form to work. You’ll find the necessary SMTP settings in the Emails area of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel together with in-depth help articles for the most preferred desktop and phone email clients that will enable you to troubleshoot and fix any problem if you're not able to send emails for reasons unknown.