One-Hour Response Guarantee
Understand much more about the 1-hour response time guarantee and how you, as a customer, may benefit from it.
In case you’ve got a website, a problem could always crop up and it doesn’t necessarily need to be related to the hosting service. For example, something can go wrong when you update an application or some crucial data can be modified or erased accidentally. Irrespective of what the nature of the problem might be, you will need to touch base with the respective help desk support staff and request them to retrieve a backup or to help you solve the problem that you are confronting. How timely they will do that will determine the time that your sites will be inaccessible. For certain sites like community websites or online stores, a lengthened inaccessibility often equals losing visitors and money. That said, it is of crucial importance that you use the services of a hosting company that provides not only a very good client care service, but also a fast one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting
Our guaranteed max reply time for any tech support ticket that you post or any email that you write is just 1 hour, even if you contact us during weekends and public holidays. Whatever the nature of your question or issue might be, we will help you instantaneously and will give you the needed information to solve any problem with your sites. The actual reaction time typically doesn’t surpass fifteen to twenty minutes, which suggests that you can just forget about waiting around for hours and hours on end to get an issue sorted out or what is even worse than that – waiting all day only to obtain an answer that more information is required whilst nothing is solved. We’ll give you assistance in a well-timed manner since we understand precisely how valuable time can be in the dynamic Internet space. The sixty-minute reply time guarantee is valid for any billing or technical question that you might have associated with our website hosting.